Roof Mounted Solar Panels
40% of Ireland’s energy-related carbon emissions originate in buildings - building regulations released in 2019 aim to address this, and as such, all new residential buildings must be built with sustainability in mind.
This introduced a mandatory requirement for renewable energy sources, in general providing 20% of the primary energy use. One approach to achieving this is the placement of rooftop solar-panels.
Although Solar PV arrays are designed to absorb as much light as possible, there are certain times of day where some sunlight may reflect off solar panels causing a potential for nuisance to certain receptors. One consideration that can limit the use of rooftop solar in taller buildings, buildings near airports or under an airport approach path is the potential for glint or glare to effect the pilot of an aircraft. It has become customary for planning applications to include a Solar Glint and Glare Assesment Report.
LINT have several years of experience in performing glint and glare assessment, and writing technical reports to support clients in the development and planning processes. We can work with a client to assess the potential for glint and glare and develop mitigation strategies for any anticipated hazard. All reports are produced using industry standard methodologies, leveraging LINT’s core competencies of GIS mapping and data analysis, and are available with a rapid turnaround.